Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When will I be informed what team my child is in?

A. After registrations close, the Teams Committee will finalise all positions on teams. This process may take up to two weeks, depending on the number of registrations received.

Q. What day will my child’s training be on?

A. Once teams are finalised, the coaches of each team will determine the most appropriate training time and venue.

Q. Will you refund the registration fees if a player is not given a spot on a team?

A. In the rare event that the Teams Committee is unable to provide a spot for a player, the registration fees will be refunded in full.

All refunds only apply to the Baldivis Basketball Club (BBC) registration fee. Payments to Basketball WA and Rockingham Basketball and Recreation Association (RBRA) are not managed by BBC and therefore any requests for these fees to be refunded will need to be made through these organisations.

Q. I need to withdraw my registration, am I entitled to a refund?

A. If registration is paid and a player withdraws their registration, a partial refund will be returned, see below:

  • Withdrawal of a player prior to close of registrations will incur a $20 administration fee, with the remainder of the fees refunded.

  • Withdrawal of a player after the close of registrations will incur a $100 registration cancellation fee, with the remainder of the fees refunded.

  • Withdrawal of a player after the commencement of the season will result in NO refunds paid.

  • Where exceptional circumstances exist the BBC Executive Committee may waive the administration or cancellation fee.

Q. I’ve got some spare time and want to help support the club, how can I assist?

A. As a Not for Profit club, there are many opportunities to volunteer for the club. This could be a longer term coach or team manager role, regular attendance at general committee meetings to have input towards the running of the club, or helping out at one of our fundraising events.

If there is some other way you can provide assistance to help our growing club, we are keen to hear what skills you can offer, by letting us know at